Anxiety & Panic Attack Removal

What is anxiety?
We will all feel anxious at some point in our lives and this is a normal instinctual response that serves as a protection to aid our survival. Anxiety can affect us all in different ways and at different times in our lives. Whereas stress comes from more environmental conditions and stimuli (such as work, relationships, money problems etc), anxiety comes from fear, apprehension and worrying and is something that can persist whether or not the cause is clear to the sufferer. Anxiety can make you imagine that things in your life are worse than they really are and prevent you from leading the life you would like to lead. The recognition that anxiety is normal and that this is linked to our ancient fight or flight response within us is very important.

The main role of the subconscious mind is to keep us safe. Also the subconscious mind does not work in degrees, something is either threatening or not. For example, the conscious mind can rationalise the likelihood of an accident whilst driving being very slight but the subconscious mind simply regards driving or being in a car as dangerous without being able to assign a degree of danger: so you feel anxious on every trip you make.

There are a variety of symptoms when experiencing anxiety. As many are physical symptoms, as well as psychological and behavioural, it can make the fear seem very real indeed.

Physical symptoms
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Stomach churning
  •  Difficulty in breathing
  •  Trembling 
  • Concentration difficulties 
Psychological symptoms
  • Thinking you may die
  •  Feeling that everyone is looking at you and has noticed your anxiety 
  • Feeling like you want to escape/run away the situation Behavioural symptoms
  •  Avoidance - Not doing the things that you like to do
  •  Find it hard to relax 
  • Become short tempered  

The Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Treating Anxiety

Some people can clearly identify the cause of their anxiety. It could be a life event, such as, a traumatic incident, moving home, divorce, having surgery etc. It has also been suggested that anxiety can have biological ties. In other words, if someone in your family is an anxious person, there is an increased possibility that you will have similar personality traits. For other people it is their thinking style that lends itself to experiencing anxiety. 

The good news is that Hypnotherapy can help you take back control. Hypnotherapy can turn off the triggers that lead to your fear and panic getting out of control and overwhelming you. Hypnotherapy teaches you how to control your breathing and heart rate so that you can stop panic and anxiety in its tracks and live in a much calmer way.

Hypnotherapy makes it so easy, so why wait? Get in touch today for more details.
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